Van Update: Instead of FTW! I’m like Fuck Yeah Friends!
When my van broke down in a Greyhound station parking lot in Albany two weeks ago, I wanted to be like FTW! But, the people who gathered to support meContinue reading
When my van broke down in a Greyhound station parking lot in Albany two weeks ago, I wanted to be like FTW! But, the people who gathered to support meContinue reading
Wow, does it *ever* seem right to put Canada and perverts in the same subject line [hi you-know-who-you-are!]. From July 31 to Aug 8 I’m returning to the country thatContinue reading
The illustrious and high-producing Coral Short gathered some of her favorite Canadian-made videos together for export to Europe with Maplechasers, and my music video Gaybomb is travelling with them. IfContinue reading