
Vanifesto, a meditation on van lust, vandwelling, and van lifestyle.

I created my 2011 zine Vanifesto to tell three stories:

  1. How to buy a van the fun way (eg with no idea what you’re doing until you’re in it)
  2. What it is like to travel cross country in a van with friends and lovers
  3. The herstory of vandwellers and van travelers that have come before.

In the following six years,:

  • The zine + Heels on Wheels Roadshow who travelled in my van got written up, 
  •  There’s been a slew of van lifestyle blogs and vlogs and zines and books and franky each one makes me smile.

That’s the thing about loving vans: you just fucking love vans and van people. It’s pretty simple.

Want a copy of the Vanifesto zine? Download it here: VANIFESTO_final

Later this summer my zine will be featured at NYC’s Museum of Art and Design as part of a Process Lounge installation by textile artist LJ Roberts focusing on vans and van inspiration for their large-scale van artwork in-process at the MAD.