Gaybomb goes to Europe: Maplechasers

The illustrious and high-producing Coral Short gathered some of her favorite Canadian-made videos together for export to Europe with Maplechasers, and my music video Gaybomb is travelling with them. If you want to learn more about the Gaybomb, my site has info.

nikki forrest (montreal)  SCHOOL COLOURS FROM MEMORY 3.30 min

coral short (montreal/nyc)  QUEENS 3.55 min

coco riot (montreal) CUT 2.20 GENDER POO 1.30 min

axon dluxe (new york city) GAYBOMB 4.10 min

clark nikolai (vancouver)  GALACTIC DOCKING COMPANY 2.49 min

leah finkel / julie saragosa (toronto/berlin) SUPORNATURAL 4 min

helen reed (portland) WITCHRAVE 3.10 min

vincent chevalier (montreal) FULL DISCLOSURE 9 min

hannah jickling (portland) KNEE PORN 4 min

morgan sea (montreal) PROJECT POLARITY  4.35 min

maya suess /sepideh (new york city/ vancouver) TANTRUM PROJECT 5.21 min

anna helme and textaqueen (melbourne) M.C.G.F.C. 4.21 min

michael v. smith (vancouver) 5.4 min INVITATION

flannypack (montreal) LETS CELEBRATE REAL HEROES 6.15 min