How to Build a Fire Queer Sans Fin Convergence Jan 8 in Montreal!

I am ever so excited to be able to bring How to Build A Fire to Montreal this weekend!

How to Build a Fire Queer Sans Fin Convergence

When: Saturday Jan 8, 2011 
Workshops [Free] Noon-6pm, Performance [$10] 9-11p
Where: Mise au Jeu, 90 de la Gauchetière Est. Montrèal
Who: Damien Luxe and Heather Ács [New York], Silas Howard [Los Angeles], Jordan Arseneault and Laura Boo [Montréal]
Facebook: “How to Build a Fire Queer Sans Fin Convergence” Event || Workshops

The How to Build a Fire Queer Sans Fin Convergence is a full-day Performance Art extravaganza in which 5 artists from activist, literary, video, theatre and multimedia backgrounds will present free, empowering, knowledge-sharing workshops on their practices with the Montreal community, followed by an evening of queer performance-based art work, followed by a Q&A.

Workshop Schedule

12 noon: Heather Ács: Creative Strategies for Resistance: Exploring Educational Theatre Techniques
2-4pm: Silas Howard: Reality in Flight: A DIY story workshop focusing on using personal stories and metaphor to tell stories.
2-4pm: Laura Boo: DIY event tech skillshare from the creator of Cabaret Faux Pas!
4-6pm: Damien Luxe: Building the Gay Bomb: Open Source media skillshare for performance.
4-6pm: Jordan Arseneault: Fear Drag: Wear other participants’ fears in a role-play workshop to discover what yours are, and open your performance heart.

About the Performers

How To Build A Fire is a performance and teaching artist group from the US who travel queer landscapes to create legacies while telling tales of desire and survival, and in this incarnation it includes Damien Luxe, Heather Acs and Silas Howard. Through freak church services for magical creatures, fragmented memory, movement and costuming, and unraveling narratives, these escape artists trespass loopholes in the American dream. Queer Sans Fin is the moniker for Laura Boo MacDonald, who along with Jordan Arseneault, will represent Montreal’s queer underbelly spectacular in free workshops.

The Convergence brings together queer artists from across Canada and the US; from across gender lines and languages; from across performance disciplines and backgrounds, responding to the growing need for community building approaches to the performance art medium so often relegated to brief exposures in bars, cabarets, and professionalized art spaces.

We invite you to join the convergence, the conversation, and the events with us on January 8, 2011.


With the help of current student Antonio Bavaro and alumnus Andrea Joy Rideout, this workshop and performance event is being made possible by the generosity of queer and inclusive student organizations and faculty groups: Concordia’s Fine Art Student Association, The Chair in Human Sexuality at Concordia, The Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University, Queer Concordia; and the community groups The Boxcutter Collective, The Teaching Artist Tour, The Duty Myth and Le Coeur est une Pompe.