Dollypalooza + ETLE Universe
I’ll be hostessing Dolly Parton karaoke 7-9pm at the brilliant Bevin‘s DOLLYPALOOZA.
Featuring bands, burlesque, and a silent auction it’s a fan night to remember yall!
ETLE UNIVERSE, Sept 25 – Oct 10
The ETLE Universe is an immersive feminist science fiction art project, which I’ve contributed writing and other support to. The basic idea is that something — the Absence — is happening to women, which divides society, and brings up basic questions about the nature of reality and time. A quote, from this narrative:
…Increasingly militant, these once-peaceful Absence activists begin to team up with the terrorists responsible for early acts of preventative violence to protect Absent women…
After many failed [tethering RIB implant] hacks, patient 112313 gasps back into consciousness after the operation, becoming the first member of a new race of trans human cybernetics.
These new rebel THIC are free from FATH control—able to use their hacked RIBs to not only quantify and understand the Absence, but to navigate it at will. They have effectively upgraded the female body to be able to function as time machines.
Thursday Oct 8, 7-8pm: Monstrous Futures: Writing Among ETLE
Join science fiction futurists, visionaries, and authors for an hour-long reading
in and among the monstrous future. Which time are you in? Which future are you in?
Which change are you part of? Which side do you see?
Presented directly before the AOMC presents: ETLE and the Anders at 7.30 that evening. Get your ticket for the event here: http://www.etle.info/etleandtheanders/
Saturday Oct 10, 2-4pm: APOCALYPSE HOW?
The members of http://scifiaction.club/ put out a call for participants for the following situation, “Three days ago, there was a large earthquake that cuts off power, destabilizing the eastern seaboard. We arrive at a community action meeting the morning of the event.” This past August, a group gathered to LARP using values and tactics gleaned from radical science fiction. Learn about this project and talk generally about sci-fi skills for anti-oppressive survival. Get your workshop ticket here: http://www.etle.info/presale/apocalypse-how-sci-fi-skills-for-anti-oppressive-survival
I’ll be hostessing Dolly Parton karaoke 7-9pm at the brilliant Bevin‘s DOLLYPALOOZA.
Featuring bands, burlesque, and a silent auction it’s a fan night to remember yall!
ETLE UNIVERSE, Sept 25 – Oct 10
The ETLE Universe is an immersive feminist science fiction art project, which I’ve contributed writing and other support to. The basic idea is that something — the Absence — is happening to women, which divides society, and brings up basic questions about the nature of reality and time. A quote, from this narrative:
…Increasingly militant, these once-peaceful Absence activists begin to team up with the terrorists responsible for early acts of preventative violence to protect Absent women…
After many failed [tethering RIB implant] hacks, patient 112313 gasps back into consciousness after the operation, becoming the first member of a new race of trans human cybernetics.
These new rebel THIC are free from FATH control—able to use their hacked RIBs to not only quantify and understand the Absence, but to navigate it at will. They have effectively upgraded the female body to be able to function as time machines.
Thursday Oct 8, 7-8pm: Monstrous Futures: Writing Among ETLE
Join science fiction futurists, visionaries, and authors for an hour-long reading
in and among the monstrous future. Which time are you in? Which future are you in?
Which change are you part of? Which side do you see?
Presented directly before the AOMC presents: ETLE and the Anders at 7.30 that evening. Get your ticket for the event here: http://www.etle.info/etleandtheanders/
Saturday Oct 10, 2-4pm: APOCALYPSE HOW?
The members of http://scifiaction.club/ put out a call for participants for the following situation, “Three days ago, there was a large earthquake that cuts off power, destabilizing the eastern seaboard. We arrive at a community action meeting the morning of the event.” This past August, a group gathered to LARP using values and tactics gleaned from radical science fiction. Learn about this project and talk generally about sci-fi skills for anti-oppressive survival. Get your workshop ticket here: http://www.etle.info/presale/apocalypse-how-sci-fi-skills-for-anti-oppressive-survival